By Don and Susan Dewey, Co-Regional Ministers

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

~John 11:25-26

Last month’s Mile Marker talked about the Urgent Church, those that are in serious decline and need to make significant changes or will soon die. This month, living into our Easter season, the focus is on places of new life and resurrection. We will look at three congregations where new life is happening and flourishing.

The first is at Community Worship Center in Gardena. This congregation, born out of the remnant of the former Fuente de Vida Disciple congregation, began just two short years ago. As both the First Christian Church of Gardena and Fuente de Vida congregations were coming to end CWC was emerging.

Under the pastoral leadership of Ruben del Pilar and his wife Cindy, this new congregation has grown and flourished from a handful of potential members to now well over 150 attendees on any given Sunday! Through support from the Region and from various members with time and labor, they have almost completely remodeled the once drab and outdated Gardena facility into an alive, vibrant and welcoming church facility.

Our Regional Board recently held their March meeting at the Gardena facility and were given an informative tour of all the things that have been transpiring on the campus and the various ministries being conducted there. We celebrated the exciting new life happening in Gardena with CWC’s ministry!

The second place of new life is at Casa de Refugio in Covina, under the co-pastoral leadership of Francisco Ramos and Soriliz Rodriquez. Following the closing of Covina Christian Church over three years ago, a new church start was planted through our Region’s New Church Development ministry.

In just over three years this congregation, that began with the Ramos family, now has grown to average 60-70 in worship. They have been actively engaging their community with food pantries, special dinners, Vacation Bible School programs and much more. They have also hosted several Regional events and been active in our Region’s Convención.

Through support of the Region many improvements on the Covina facility have taken place as the congregation continues to grow and serve. We are excited about the wonderful new life in Covina!

The third place of new life is still emerging. Last month we witnessed the closing of First Christian Church of Bellflower. After 95 years of ministry in the Bellflower community the congregation made the decision to close its visible ministry.  Also housed there at FCC Bellflower was our Disciple ministry Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo under the pastoral leadership of Angeles Coronado.

With the decision to close, Pastor Coronado’s congregation was told they would need to relocate since the Bellflower congregation was giving their facility to a non-Disciple mega church for expanding its ministry. Pastor Coronado began to look, though unsuccessfully, for a new home for the church’s ministry. Fortunately, the Region was in the midst of taking over management of our Baldwin Park facility that had not had a Disciple congregation meeting there for over 9 years.

The Region has been in the process of restoring and remodeling this facility and has now made it available to Iglesia Discipulos de Cristo for a re-birth of its ministry.

Pastor Coronado’s congregation, now renamed Casa de Fe (House of Faith), has already begun engaging the community of Baldwin Park, offering worship in the local park, meeting with community officials, and hosting gathering events as the facility is undergoing remodeling.

There is much excitement and enthusiasm among the members of Casa de Fe of Baldwin Park for this new beginning in their ministry.

There are also several other new congregations emerging around the Region as continued signs of new life!

A new congregation in Riverside, Iglesia Nueva Vida (Church of New Life) was launched on Easter Sunday! Q ministry, designed around the 12-step model, has begun a new ministry in the Torrance area. Another is WOW church (Walking on Water), this ministry is focused on an inclusionary ministry for persons and families with Autism.

Each of these ministries are reminders that the Holy Spirit is still moving in and through lives to create places of healing, hope, love, grace, and community here in the PSWR!

Certainly there are many other signs of new life emerging around our Region and perhaps your congregation is a place where exciting new things are happening as well. We celebrate these and all the places where God’s Spirit of new life and resurrection are happening.

We ask that you pray for these pastors and their congregations as these places of new life continue to flourish and grow. We also ask that you will hold in your prayers all our congregations as each are seeking to be witnesses of the Good News of the Risen Christ!


Together on the journey,

Don and Susan

Co-Regional Ministers, PSWR

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

Hatchery LA is a project of the PSWR committed to raising up new leaders and church planters through an innovative praxis-based educational program. One of our students, Nathanael Welch has created an initiative to help focus on the particular needs of people with disabilities. He is now in his second year of the program and recently gave an update on the progress of his project and we thought it would be great to share it with you.

It’s hard to believe that just one year ago I was getting ready to host my first ArtWalk and pop-up gallery.

My goal last year was to help raise awareness and visibility for people with disabilities and the challenges they face. I decided the best way to try and accomplish this was through a combination of art, storytelling, and community.

So last March I met with a group of people with disabilities and their friends and families to figure out a way to make this happen. The solution: ArtWalks.

ArtWalks are events where persons with disabilities are invited to take pictures of the things they find beautiful and interesting in the world, from their perspective. For our first ArtWalk we hiked through a great little park in Long Beach. We had a great group of people who really enjoyed the chance to take pictures and make some new friends in the process.

Two weeks after this we held a pop-up gallery in a local coffee shop. The pop-up gallery is meant to showcase not just the artwork, but the artists themselves. The hope is that not only will the art gallery make their work and perspective visible, but that they themselves will become visible as well.

Far too often people with disabilities are ignored throughout society. They are effectively made invisible - including in the church. My hope was that these ArtWalks would help to correct this by raising awareness among the nondisabled about the lives of people with disabilities through art and creative self-expression, build networks of people who share similar experiences, and to empower communities to make positive change towards valuing every member.

One year later we’ve made amazing progress. I have been privileged to speak at a number of DOC regional churches, including Mission HillsLA with Ryan Pryor and Mission Hills Christian in Pasadena. After hosting several more ArtWalks locally, I wanted to give communities across the country the tools and confidence to do this on their own. So I hosted several webinars to try and spread the word. At the beginning of March we had 7 communities and churches across the country agree to host ArtWalks in their neighborhood. I have committed to working closely with each group, providing them with the tools and resources they need to make it a success.

These are easy, fun, and meaningful experiences for everyone involved. My dream is that by this time next year we have an explosion of interest in not just ArtWalks, but in the lives of people with disabilities across the country. If you want to get on board and host an ArtWalk in your community, or learn how, you can visit or email me at

You can learn more about my story and why I do ArtWalks at:


For more information about the innovative opportunities at HatcheryLA:

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt

By Don and Susan Dewey, Co-Regional Ministers


Another church closed. First Christian Church of Bellflower held its final worship service on March 26, 2017 and has officially closed its visible ministry. The congregation, like so many in our Region and our Disciples denomination had aged and declined to place in which they were no longer able to continue.

This has been shared numerous times in the past but it bears repeating, the church as we have known it is changing and new forms and models of church are emerging. The church in America is going through a sea change of transition as new generations are seeking alternative ways of living out their spiritual lives.

It’s also important to remember that there are no quick fixes to the continued decline of the mainline church nor is there any one model of new church that replaces or reaches everyone.

We also know that there continues to be a growing number of those who choose “None” when ask of their religious affiliation. As well as those that now claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” But the truth remains, many congregations must change or they will die.

Thom Rainer in a recent article on “Growing Healthy Churches, Together” calls these churches “the urgent church.” He says, “Time is of the essence. If changes do not happen soon, very soon, these churches will die. The pace of congregational death is accelerating.”

He is speaking particularly about mainline churches in America. The church in China, South America, and Africa is growing by leaps and bounds.

What, then, are some of the key changes churches must make? Rainer offers nine suggestions of change but warns that none of them are easy.


Here are nine changes:

1. We must stop bemoaning the death of cultural Christianity. Such whining does us no good. Easy growth is simply not a reality for many churches. People no longer come to a church because they believe they must do so to be culturally accepted.

I believe the church must once again refocus its energy and re-engage their communities in the places of the greatest need. In the book of James we read: Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:15-17

The Great Commission of Christianity is about going out into the world; it’s not “y’all come.

2. We must cease seeing the church as a place of comfort and stability in the midst of rapid change. Certainly, God’s truth is unchanging. So we do find comfort and stability in that reality. But don’t look to your church not to change methods, approaches, and human-made traditions. Indeed, we must learn to be uncomfortable in the world if we are to make a difference. “We’ve never done it that way before,” is a death declaration.

In a recent Transformation Committee meeting Linda Gardner shared several inspiring quotes about transformation. Two of them struck me as important for the church today.

The first said, “How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.”

As we approach this season of Easter we are reminded again that we are the people of the Resurrection! However, to have a resurrection/new life one must be willing to die. Old ways, structures, methodologies must give way to new ideas, approaches and models for being the church today.

The second quote was much more straightforward. It simply said, “Nothing changes if nothing changes.” The Prophet Isaiah reminds us of who God is and what God is about: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”

3. We must abandon the entitlement mentality. Your church is not a country club where you pay dues to get your perks and privileges. It is a gospel outpost where you are to put yourself last. Don’t seek to get your way with the music, temperature, and length of sermons. Here is a simple guideline: Be willing to die for the sake of the gospel.

Many people today are reluctant to “join” a church because it feels as though they are simply invited to accept things as they are and perpetuate an institution that may or may not have any relevance to the their needs or their daily living. Most people are looking for a community that takes seriously their spiritual hunger and actual needs of their community.

4. We must start doing.  Most of us like the idea of evangelism more than we like doing evangelism. Try a simple prayer and ask God to give you gospel opportunities. You may be surprised how He will use you.

I sometimes wonder if we have put too much weight on one simple worship service or sermon to be our only Evangelism tool. Or that we have abdicated our responsibility as a “priesthood of all believers” to share the hope we have in Christ.

Scripture reminds us, But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15

5. We must stop using biblical words in unbiblical ways. “Discipleship” does not mean caretaking. “Fellowship” does not mean entertainment.

I believe the invitation here is ask ourselves how are we guiding others into a deeper relationship with Christ and developing a genuine place of belonging for those seeking true community?

6. We must stop focusing on minors. Satan must delight when a church spends six months wrangling over a bylaw change. That’s six months of gospel negligence.

We may or may not receive the reference to “Satan” but I think we all know what he’s talking about. Sometimes as church we can spend enormous amounts of time discussing and haggling over the color of the bathrooms and hardly anytime talking about reaching those in our communities with the Good News!

7. We must stop shooting our own. This tragedy is related to the entitlement mentality. If we don’t get our way, we will go after the pastor, the staff member, or the church member who has a different perspective than our own. We will even go after their families. Don’t let bullies and perpetual critics control the church. Don’t shoot our own. It’s not friendly fire.

I think the challenge for the church is to remember that we are the body of Christ, many members but one body. We have different parts but each one is important and needed. (1 Corinthians 12) We need to find a way to work together in healthy ways so that the body can grow and be its best.

8. We must stop wasting time in unproductive meetings, committees, and business sessions. Wouldn’t it be nice if every church member could only ask one question or make one comment in a meeting for every time he or she has shared his or her faith the past week?

Perhaps the challenge here is to move from spending much of our time as managers of an institution and more time as witnesses of the love and grace of Christ.

9. We must become houses of prayer. Stated simply, we are doing too much in our own power. We are really busy, but we are not doing the business of God.

I think it’s worth noting, that as we read through our Gospels, how many times they refer to Jesus taking time alone to pray. If prayer truly is our communication to the divine and we are really wanting to be God’s church, then perhaps we need to spend more time listening to where and how God is inviting us into being the church today.

Friends, we serve a risen Lord, the Spirit is alive and moving in and through us and in places we least expect. Death is not the end but can in fact be the beginning a whole new way of living. The church as an institution is simply the means for carrying out the Gospel message but it is not the Gospel.  We must be willing to adapt and change the means for carrying out the Gospel message for the sake of its message.

We still have Good News to proclaim that a hungry and hurting world is dying to hear and know. For me the one command of Jesus “to love one another as I have loved you” must be the primary focus of what we do as church; all else can die or change.

May God’s Spirit of grace and peace strengthen you and empower you as people of the resurrection!


Together on the journey,

Don and Susan
Co-Regional Ministers, PSWR

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt
6 CommentsPost a comment

Sunday, April 9  Irvine UCC, Sunday worship

Sunday, April 9  University Christian Church, 5:00 am

Monday, April 10  San Diego Clergy dinner

Tuesday, April 11  Tehachapi UCC, evening

Thursday, April 13  Church of the Foothills, evening

Saturday, April 15  So California / Nevada Pacific Islander Asian American Ministries UCC, 10:00 am

Monday, April 17  Disciples Seminary Foundation (DSF)

Tuesday, April 18  FCC Fullerton, lunch event and evening event 6:30-7:30 pm


If you are interested in scheduling a presentation with Loren, please contact Nancy Fowler at

For more information about missionary Loren McGrail, please visit our previous blog post.

AuthorAlisa Mittelstaedt